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Three Types of Living Security Standards Increase in Liaoning Province
时间:2019-03-14 11:02:42

In 2019, Liaoning province will simultaneously increase the urban and rural minimum subsistence allowance, support for people living in dire poverty and living security standard for orphans. The increasing ratio of three types is over 6 percent in average. This measure not only contributes to the improvement of social assistance system construction, but also providing policy support for poverty alleviation.  


In recent years, basic living security standards for people living in difficulty in Liaoning province have been increased progressively year by year, however, unsynchronized and uncoordinated problems were generated at the same time.


At the beginning of 2019, Liaoning Provincial Civil Affairs Department took timely action and made scientific calculations, taking per capita income of urban and rural residents into full consideration, and rationally dividing the proportion of consumption and expenditure for maintaining basic living. It also in accordance with the guiding principles of rural security standard increase exceeds the urban. Areas whose security standard was relatively lower than other areas should be increased more. Attention is also given to strengthen regional coordination and policy support to make sure the gap between the urban and rural areas narrows gradually. According to the Measures of Performance Evaluation on Basic Living Aid for People Living in Difficulty in Liaoning Province, rationally allocate security fund, stick to dynamic management, do a good job in policy convergence and system guarantee for poor people with cards for archives, poor families due to illness to ensure the improvement of actual assistance level as security standard increases.


After the modification, it is estimated that rural minimum subsistence allowance will reach 4985yuan per person per year, and 622yuan in urban areas per person per month. Standard of support for people living in dire poverty is not less than 1.3 times that of the local minimum living standard. Standards for institutions and scattered orphans will reach 1711yuan and 1273yuan per person per month. The improvement of standards will increase the rescue fund by nearly 250 million yuan compared with 2018.