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Shenzhen Encourages Private Economy to Access Senior Service
时间:2019-01-07 00:00:00

On January 3rd, the document introduced by Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) requires each province to implement the newly revised Law on the Protection of Elders of Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter refer to Law). It is known from the Shenzhen Civil Affairs Bureau, partial revised regulations of Law are expected to play vital roles in further deepening reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulation and services, carrying forward the development of senior service, actively coping with aging, protecting legal rights of the elders and comprehensively improving life quality and satisfaction of seniors.

According to the new version of Law, MCA requires from now on each province should cancel permission of establishing nursing homes. Legal registration and record management should be accomplished, and gradually succeed in dealing application and registration with interrelated websites on-line, one institution off-line, no more than once at the site. Nursing homes can carry out activities right after registration. The Law also requires relevant departments to strengthen supervision during and after activities, positively explore and establish and perfect credit assessment, trustworthy incentive and punishment of breaking faith and other credit management systems. 

Reporters were informed from Shenzhen Civil Affairs Bureau, by the end of November, 2018, the resident seniors aged over 60 reached to 1.2 million. Shenzhen will dock the work of fully establish 1336 senior service system with the newly revised Law on the Protection of Elders of Peoples Republic of China, including effectively use the influence of government, market and public welfare, continuously guarantee and improve livelihood and increase happiness, sense of gains and security by senior service supply side reform, accelerating senior service industry and enhancing supervision.