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Shaoxing Zhejiang Issued Child Welfare Regional Standard Provided Series of Services to Children in Difficulties
时间:2018-10-23 09:53:02

According to Shaoxing Civil Affairs Bureau, Child Welfare Supervision and management and Service Specifications (hereinafter the Specifications)which was jointly drafted by Shaoxing Civil Affairs Bureau and Shaoxing Child Welfare Guidance Center will be put into effect officially on 18th October. The Specifications guarantee of social care and help for children in difficulties, left-behind children and home-less children in terms of improving child welfare service quality, strengthening child welfare industry management, supervising and specifing service behaviors, raising child welfare institutions business level, setting up child welfare long-term mechanism.  

The Specifications point out that city level and county level child welfare guidance centers will be set up in Shaoxing to guide work of child welfare supervision. City level and county level child welfare institutions and help and protect institutions of home-less teeneagers are to be established, and staff of medical, rehabilitation and specific education are allocated. Child welfare station will be build in towns and communities, with 1 to 2 welfare workers and no less than 1 full-time or part-time supervisor respectively. 

Moreover, the Specifications put forward “find and intervene mechanism” for child welfare supervision services. If the target children’s parents couldn’t or unable to carry out effective guarship due to death, disappearance, imprisonment, distoxification, serious diseases and disability, the children will be helped to apply difficult assistance, implement policy safeguards or utilize social sources to help relieve their difficulties. If the target children were left unsupervised or unregulated, or even live alone, welfare staff should come to the family promotly to urge the parents to perform their duties. If the target children dropped out of school or were deceived to commit a crime at the compulsory education stage, the guardian will be prosecuted according to law if necessary.