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Six Healthy Aging Industry Got Development Finance Support in Henan
时间:2018-09-11 09:15:00

Recently, Henan Development and Reform Commission issued and printed Notification of Development Finance Support Healthy Aging Industry Transformation and Development(hereinafter Notification). Henan province will recommend six healthy aging industry projects as the supporting target of development fiance.

According to Notification, the targets of development finance support included community-based care, institutional care, station care, integration of medical service and senior care, smart retirement and elderly facilities. Community-based care projects mainly support the construction of community-based care service station, in other words, daytime care centers. The residential district or unincorporated villages should allocate community-based care station no less than 200 square meters, and should provide daytime care, entertainment, mental consolation and other services. Smart retirement projects mainly supports application of mobile internet, internet of things, big data and other technologies in healthy aging industry, research and develop wearable equipment, smart monitor facilities and home service robots for various environments such as houses, communities and institutions. 

Leaders of Henan Development and Reform Commission said that Henan Development and Reform Commission, Henan Civil Administration Office and Henan Health and Family Planning Commission would jointly recommend senior service projects to Henan branch of China Development bank. But they won’t support and recommend real estate projects related to those 6 healthy aging industry projects.