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Jingjinji Senior Support Policy Keep Up with Senior People
时间:2017-12-05 17:09:37

Jing-jin-ji senior work synergetic development achieved new results. It was informed from Tianjin Civil Affairs Bureau 6 nursing institutions in Zhangjiakou, Cangzhou and Langfang were added to be the Jing-jin-ji synergetic pilot nursing institutions. From now on, besides operation subsides from Heibei province, those nursing institutions could also receive subsides from Beijing and Tianjin for they recruit senior people who come from Beijing and Tianjin, which could make senior subsides keep up with senior people. With  more governmental subsides, nursing institutions can input more funds in improving senior service quality, offering high quality  senior life for the elderly.  

Kangtai senior care center in Qing County, Cangzhou, Hebei province has recently been included in Jing-jin-ji synergetic senior pilot institutions. 97-year-old Du Zhimin came from Tianjin, her children lived in Hebei. In order to take better care of their mother, they sent Du Zhimin to Kangtai senior care center. Du Zhimin’s daughter said they used to drive for 2 hours back to Tianjin to visit their mother, but now they were very close to each other, it only took s short time to visit their mother. The most important was that this was a nursing institution of medical service and senior care integration, every floor was manning doctors, nurses, caregivers. Caregivers would walked around for inspection, they would inform the doctors once they found sick seniors, which Du Zhimin and her children were very satisfied with. 

It was understood that there were 10 nursing institutions had become jing-jin-ji synergetic senior pilot institutions after Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau, Tianjin Civil Affairs Bureau and Hebei Civil Administration Office jointly signed Cooperation Agreement on Jing-jin-ji senior work synergetic development last year. The operation subsides were given according to different tier of care offered to the elderly to those public nursing homes and those invested by social forces, the subsides for one year ranges from 1050yuan to 2250yuan. If a Tianjin nursing home became one of the jing-jin-ji synergetic senior pilot institutions, it could receive 1050yuan from local government and bed subsides which was 3600yuan from Beijing government once it recruit an elderly people from Beijing.

Zhu Feng, vice director of Tianjin Civil Affairs Bureau introduced that the aim to implement senior subsides to keep up with senior people was to mobilize the activity for local nursing institutions to recruit out-of-town seniors, at the same time favorable for them to improve service quality and attract more seniors to live ecdemic. Next, Civil Affairs Office of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei would strengthen further senior cooperation, launching government purchase senior service cross different areas through holding joint meeting, sharing information and docking with projects, enable the elderly people enjoy the benefits which they are supposed to enjoy even though they go to ecdemic place, making their retirement life with no anxiety.