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Hunan Government Actively Carried Out the Spirit of the National Video and Telephone Conference about Intensifying Caring and Protection to Left-Behind Children in Rural Areas
时间:2016-04-11 20:00:00

On April 6, Ministry of Civil Affairs initiated to convene the National Video and Telephone Conference about Intensifying Caring and Protection to Left-Behind Children in Rural Areas, to make a comprehensive planning to intensify caring and protection to left-behind children in rural areas. Hunan parallel session was located in the Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau. Director of the Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau Duan Linyi and Deputy Director Chen Ciying, in-charge personnel and liaison men of member units of Joint Conference of Hunan Provincial Division for Caring and Protection of Left-Behind Children in Rural Areas (in preparation), and in-charge personnel from related administrations and bureaus and directly-controlled units of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs attended the conference.

After the national conference, the Deputy Director of the Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau, Chen Ciying was entrusted by Director Duan Linyi to make a work report and mobilization about carrying out spirits of the important speech by State Councilor Wang Yong and the spirit of the National Video and Telephone Conference about Intensifying Caring and Protection to Left-Behind Children in Rural Areas. Deputy Department Director Chen Ciying pointed out that the Video and Telephone Conference of Ministry of Civil Affairs has made an overall deployment to strengthen caring and protection to left-behind children in rural areas, State Councilor Wang Yong made an important speech, in-charge personnel of Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Civil Affairs and ministries in total of 7 combined with their own functions and proposed specific measures, and Director of Ministry of Civil Affairs Li Liguo proposed defined requirements to carry out the conference spirit. It is the duty of civil affairs departments to practically carry out the conference spirit, and they will take active actions and take on responsibilities. But they also need great supports from and close cooperation with other places and departments. In recent years, civil affairs departments at each level in our province have developed some exploration in terms of caring and protection of left-behind children. Since 2013, Ministry of Civil Affairs and Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau have set up 6 juveniles social protection pilot units in Changde, Chenzhou, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, Loudi, Lianyuan, etc. which would extend the protection objects from traditional juvenile wanderers to juveniles facing survival difficulties, custody shortage and growth obstacles, especially that it would take the left-behind children in rural areas who have caused problems more frequently and draw more attention from the society as main helping and protection objects, actively helping them to solve problems about living, custody, education, development, etc. Firstly, establish working mechanism. Actively strive for attention from party and government leaders, integrate system, department and social resources, and establish a working mechanism where parties and governments lead, civil affairs departments take the lead, departments coordinate, and the whole society participate. Secondly, expand working functions. Pilots in Changde, Chenzhou, Loudi, Lianyuan and other places would change the name of "Juvenile Wanderer Helping and Protection Center" into "Juveniles Protection Center" after being approved by compiling departments, and the working function range extended from juvenile wanderer to all the juveniles including left-behind children. Thirdly, develop overall monitoring and prevention. All the pilots should be set with department information notification mechanism to develop juveniles social protection information system and establish risk evaluation standards for left-behind children in rural areas (juveniles in dilemma). Fourthly, establish referral helping mechanism. Civil affairs departments actively play the role of connection and referral of pilots in resources integration, policy coordination and other aspects, and establish department linkage working mechanism.

Deputy Department Director Chen Ciying also informed that the Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau would coordinate and develop the following four work items recently: Firstly, draft and release "Hunan Provincial Opinions about Implementation of Caring and Protection to Left-behind Children in Rural Areas" on behalf of the provincial government as soon as possible, and research and formulate specific measures to care about and protect left-behind children in rural areas. Secondly, suggest the provincial government to establish joint conference system for caring and protection of left-behind children in rural areas, establish a working mechanism where civil affairs department leads and education, public security, women's federation and other departments coordinate and cooperate, and form a good pattern where each department performs its own functions, undertakes its own responsibilities, interacts actively and learns from each other. Thirdly, develop research and check situations of left-behind children in rural areas. Make general investigation to basic situation of left-behind children in rural areas in the entire province, establish a basic information database and dynamic management mechanism for left-behind children in rural areas, civil affairs departments, education departments, public security departments, women's federation, aging office and other departments shall closely coordinate and cooperate, and strictly control verification and ensure research and check quality. Fourthly, establish an information management system. The Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau planned to build a rural left-behind children information management system vertically involving province, cities, counties, towns and villages horizontally involving civil affairs, education, public security, judiciary, Communist Youth League, women's federation and other departments relied on civil affairs departments to realize information sharing.