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Construct 150 senior care post houses within * year(s)
时间:2016-05-04 18:39:58

May 4, 2016 BeijingTimes

Beijing Times(journalist, Jing Wen) reports that yesterday, vice-minister of Ministry ofCivil Affairs, Xiaobing Gao, expressed that the senior service market will beopen comprehensively in future, so as to meet diversified senior servicedemands of the aged on the 5th China International Senior ServicesExpo. In addition, district-level senior service guidance center will beconstructed in 16 districts in Beijing. In this year, 150 community senior carepost houses will be constructed in pilot area of six districts of the city. Atpresent, Opinions on Development ofConstruction of Community Senior Service Post Houses is being formulated.

Yesterday, 3 day 5thChina International Senior Services Expo opened in China National ConventionCenter, where, network + intelligent senior products with integration ofintelligent hardware, phone APP and cloud platform become main highlights ofold Expo in addition to display traditional senior care products, such as,nursing home and rehabilitative appliances.

The journalistnotes that, compared with previous period, various smart senior serviceequipment displayed in this expo accounts for half of all exhibits, and inaddition to wristwatch, there are PAD, smart microbot, special clothes withsensing equipment and other equipment.

In the meeting,Beijing municipal deputy mayor, Ning Wang, expressed that up to the end of2015, the aged population with 60 years old and above in Beijing is about 3.15million, accounting for 23.4% of the registered population. Whole municipalpermanent elderly population is about 3.405 million, accounting for 15.7% oftotal permanent resident population. In the next step, Beijing will perfectfour-level senior service system, plays the senior care center service functionand quicken construction of community senior care post houses.

Relevant persons incharge in Municipal Aging Office introduce that the Municipal Aging Office isconsidered to be the largest senior service center and command center in wholecity in four-level senior service system. Meanwhile, district-level seniorservice guidance center will be constructed in 16 regions. Three-year actionplan on the construction of street and township-level senior care center will beimplemented. There are currently 154 senior care centers in streets andtownships, and another 60 are to be built this year at least. At the level ofcommunity, 150 community senior care post houses are to be built in pilot areasof the six districts of the city this year.

Statistics alsoshow that there are 222 million and 143 million of the old above 60 and 65 inChina at end of 2015, accounting for 16.1% and 10.5% of the total populationrespectively. As of the end of last year, 20 provinces of our country haveestablished allowance system for the advanced ages, which covers the elderlywith a number of 21.55 million. 23 provinces have established senior subsidysystem for the elderly with difficulty in life, which covers the elderly with anumber of 6.549 million. The number of national senior bed is 6.8 million, andeach a thousand of the elderly have 30.8 beds.

It is reported thatthere are more than 200 government departments, organizations and enterprisesin the field of senior service at home and abroad participating in theInternational Aged Industry Exposition (IAIE), where the old are available tofreely visit upon the simple registration to the entrance.