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Opening of Senior Services Expo
时间:2016-05-05 19:00:57

May 05, 2016 07:27      Source:People.com. cn- People's Daily

Report from our correspondent on May 4, Beijing (JournalistYue Pan) The Opening Ceremony of the 5th China International SeniorServices Expo & the 5th Forum on the Development of Chinese InternationalSenior Service Industry is held in Beijing recently. More than 200 governmentdepartments, senior service institutions and brand enterprises in the field ofsenior service from 10 countries and regions and our whole country attend theexhibition.

Xiaobing Gao, the vice minister of Ministry of CivilAffairs, points that senior service industry not only plays an important rolein responding to aged tendency of population, guarantee and improvement ofpeople's livelihood, but also becomes important power in expanding domesticdemand, increasing employment, promoting development of service industry,pushing economic transformation and upgrading.

At the Expo, Beijing CAJ Senior Care Services Co.,Ltd. introduces “New Power- China Aging Social Senior Service Nursing TalentCultivation Project” cooperated with JP Morgan. Through public benefitcooperation and promotion, the project connects university student employmentand talents demand of home-based senior service industry. At the first periodof the project, it has cooperated with many colleges and universities toprovide skill training for related students to make the students realize thedevelopment opportunity of senior service industry, and lead the students tolike working on senior service works, then conduct professional skill training.

People’s Daily (Edition of May 5,2016)