August 22-24,2019
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Introduction of Referral Exchange Meeting
时间:2019-06-20 18:09:09

ReferralExchange Meeting of the elderly service articles innovation

This meetingconducted research, discussion and argument to the innovation of pension mode,which determines the direction for further development of pension industry.

In order toencourage and attract more healthy elder citizens walk out of the door, carryout nationwide interactive pension service through the establishment of pensionservice uniform management system, so as to let eldercitizens enjoy the relax and free pension service throughout the country. Afterinteractive pension service union is established, there are thousands of elder citizensorganized to conduct interactive pension service throughout the country,striving to let more elder citizens enjoy healthy, happy and independent laterlife.

If you have becomethe elderly or are becoming the elderly and have some suggestions or opinionson the future later life and pension mode or you hope to make the interactive pensionin certain city, you can make interactive communication in this meeting ofexchange.