August 22-24,2019
Beijing National Convention Center
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August 22-24,2019

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Zone of Aged-friendly Buildings


This section is to promote the technological innovation of the senior living environment, and exhibit the requirements of residential buildings for elderly people: (1) compliant with relevant standards; (2) green and environmental; (3) fully functional; (4) easy and comfortable for living; (5) convenient for activities. The residential buildings provide a fine living environment, in which elderly people can lead a comfortable, enjoyable, and healthy life.

Contents & Scope:

(1) Green buildings for the elderly, intelligent senior houses, elderly apartments and nursing homes, community daycare centers, brand real estates for the elderly, prototype models and sand table displays of comprehensive communities for the elderly.

(2) Architectural design agencies, real estate developers, researchers and manufacturers of equipment that applied in buildings for the elderly.

Zone of Rehabilitation and Nursing Care


This section is to display the achievements of the R&D and practices in rehabilitation and nursing for the elderly based on traditional Chinese and Western medicines, which aims to improve the living ability as well as alleviate pains from the elderly and disabled. The exhibit will provide references and choices for senior services providers and communities to give rehabilitation and nursing services for the elderly.

Contents & Scope:

(1) Research institutions, specialized hospitals, general hospitals, medical rehabilitation institutions, physical examination institutions for the elderly and related scientific achievements.

(2) Professional rehabilitation and nursing care equipment, medical assistive equipment, barrier-free facilities, mobility aids, and audio-visual aids.

Zone of Healthcare Services and Products


This section is to promote the concept of elderly nutrition and wellness featuring Chinese characteristics, showcase relevant services and facility products, develop multiform healthcare services for the elderly, help elderly people to improve their living habits and behaviors, and encourage them to consciously maintain health, prevent diseases, and enhance their quality of life.

Contents & Scope:

(1) Research and service institutions that provide healthcare services for the elderly and related research and practical achievements of healthcare for the elderly with Chinese-western combined medicine.

(2) Fitness equipment/instruments, living facilities and supplies that suit the needs of the elderly.

Zone of Institutional Care and Community Care


This section is to promote the service and managerial concept of standardization, exhibit residential care and community care, and enhance overall service quality and brand awareness.

Contents & Scope:  

Senior care providers including nursing homes, elderly welfare centers, assisted living, elderly apartments, daycare centers, senior centers, community centers, and brand senior services.

Zone of Cultural Service for the Elderly


This section is to highlight the idea of education, worthiness, learning, and enjoyment of elderly people, and display the achievements in senior culture, education and tourist services, in order to promote a rapid development of spiritual and cultural services for the aged population.

Contents & Scope:

(1) Elderly colleges, elderly sports and entertainment organizations, volunteer associations for senior services and display of achievements.

(2) Display of media productions, magazines and journals, painting arts and show projects with the theme of elderly people (on-site interactive performance and display).

(3) Promotion of the domestic and overseas high-quality senior tourist routes (travel agencies).

Zone of Senior Service Informatics Development Committee


This section is to promote and display the concept of domestic and overseas informatics services for the elderly as well as advanced R&D products, which provide convenient, intelligent services via network, enhance senior citizens’ quality of life and develop elderly service network with the increased involvement of social forces.

Contents & Scope:

(1) Software products related to elderly services.

(2) IT service products of elderly medical care, health and well-being, and related R&D and trade companies.

(3) Scientific research institutions involved in the research and development of senior service management software.

Zone of Professional Training for Aged Care


This section is to display professional training agencies for aged care and their teaching materials and courseware, provide references for establishing the training system and educating professionals for senior services, boost and integrate resources, and introduce advanced experiences from other countries to launch personnel training programs.

Contents & Scope:

(1) Universities and colleges home and aboard, and training and consulting agencies for training professionals in management, service, health and nutrition, counseling required by the aged-care service industry

(2) Relevant course materials, training platforms and the achievements of the management, services, nutrition care and health care in senior service industry.

Zone of Senior Service Brand


This section is to showcase well-known senior service providers and promote star service brands with advanced concept, innovative services, high-tech products and considerable benefit (including senior service providers, senior service management agencies, senior service consulting and assessment agencies, financial and insurance agencies, and foundations for elderly people), which provide references for decision-making in market operation of senior service industry.

Contents & Scope:

(1) The brands of consulting companies, financial and insurance services and senior foundations.

(2) Manufacturers of products for the elderly.

Zone of Financial Services for the Elderly


This section is to promote and showcase all kinds of financial service products designed for the elderly by banks, security companies, insurance companies, trust and investment corporations, fund management companies and other financial service institutions, so as to provide information and reference for elders to manage their pension, buy insurance, arrange the finance and make investment.

Contents & Scope:

(1) Financial service institutions that provide financial service for the elderly, like banks, security companies, insurance companies, trust and investment corporations, fund management companies.

(2) Financing product, financial plan and insurance products for the elderly.

(3) Consulting companies which provide information and knowledge for the elderly to manage their pension, arrange the finance and make investment.